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Pilates is Beneficial for New Moms

Pilates is Beneficial for New Moms

Becoming a mother is one of the most precious occasions in a woman’s life. When you finally get to see and hold this tiny little bundle of joy that grew inside your body for nine months, it is an almost surreal experience that can leave you with the biggest, most genuine smile you’ve ever had in your life. But that certainly doesn’t mean that taking care of your new baby is always easy.

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Pilates Myths

Pilates Myths

Becoming a mother is one of the most precious occasions in a woman’s life. When you finally get to see and hold this tiny little bundle of joy that grew inside your body for nine months, it is an almost surreal experience that can leave you with the biggest, most genuine smile you’ve ever had in your life. But that certainly doesn’t mean that taking care of your new baby is always easy.

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How Pilates Can Help Patients Recover From Chronic Pain

How Pilates Can Help Patients Recover From Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a complex issue. Our current models of pain tell us that chronic pain is a matrix that involves physical injury, the nervous system, psychological responses, and mental attitudes that all contribute to the perpetuation of pain.

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Have you ever experienced waking up feeling crushed by the long list of errands to finish each day? Or maybe go to bed each night feeling tensed and tired by all that is being covered?

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We’re Stronger Together

We’re Stronger Together

Whether you’re just starting to exercise for the first time, interested in building or maintaining a solid fitness routine, or even cross-training for your next Marathon, Pilates and barre provides the support you need to unleash your potential. Group fitness classes have individuals of all levels of experience who are interested in a variety of goals and have various levels of experience, so everybody has someone to plié with.

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