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World Wildlife Day
Rehab, Lifestyle Allison Zang Rehab, Lifestyle Allison Zang

World Wildlife Day

March 3rd is World Wildlife day. Allison wanted to share one of her favorite spots to take in the wildlife. We are so lucky to have a local spot to take in wildlife and exercise right here in Harrisburg, PA. If you have never check out Wildwood Park and Lake you should. This is one of Allison favorite places to run. I love running the loop around the lake.

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New Reasons To Start Working Out

New Reasons To Start Working Out

Whenever you hear exercise being discussed, it’s typically with the goal of losing weight or bulking up on muscle. For many people, however, neither are major motivators, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be getting plenty of exercise. To help encourage you to start your own workout routine, here are some new reasons to start working out that may better align with your circumstances and goals.

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Mindful Breathing: How to
Lifestyle, Rehab, Self Care Allison Zang Lifestyle, Rehab, Self Care Allison Zang

Mindful Breathing: How to

The most basic way to do mindful breathing is to focus your attention on your breath, the inhale and exhale. You can do this while standing, but ideally, you’ll be sitting or even lying in a comfortable position. Your eyes may be open or closed, or you can maintain a soft gaze, with your eyes partially closed but not focusing on anything in particular. It can help to set aside a designated time for this exercise, but it can also help to practice it when you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious.

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5 Ways to Combat Winter Blues
Lifestyle, Tips, Self Care, Rehab Allison Zang Lifestyle, Tips, Self Care, Rehab Allison Zang

5 Ways to Combat Winter Blues

It’s mid-February and most of us are feeling the winter blues in full force, especially for those of us in the northeast. As if winter wasn’t already tough enough on our mental health, this year we are dealing with a lack of socialization due to the pandemic, making us feel exceptionally lonely, stir crazy, and isolated.

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5 Ways for Finding Your Inner Confidence
Self Care, Fitness, Lifestyle, Function, Pilates, Rehab Allison Zang Self Care, Fitness, Lifestyle, Function, Pilates, Rehab Allison Zang

5 Ways for Finding Your Inner Confidence

Improving confidence in your outer appearance tends to be easier than fixing your inner image. Getting a haircut, putting on a nice outfit, and for those edgy individuals, getting a few tattoos are easy ways to improve confidence in what you look like. And while that can help overall self-esteem, gaining inner confidence may require some more work.

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