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Making Self-Care a Priority Like a Boss
Self Care, Lifestyle Allison Zang Self Care, Lifestyle Allison Zang

Making Self-Care a Priority Like a Boss

Being your own boss can come with both perks and disadvantages. As a business owner, one plus is that you can set your own schedule and pace, making room for the ever- important act of regular self-care. With more people than ever taking advantage of technology and the global market to start their own businesses, new business owners all over the world are learning how to balance self-care with work.

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Healthy recipe: Watermelon Gazpacho
Healthy Eating, Lifestyle, Fitness Allison Zang Healthy Eating, Lifestyle, Fitness Allison Zang

Healthy recipe: Watermelon Gazpacho

This refreshing chilled soup is the perfect way to use up a leftover hunk of watermelon that you might have hanging out in the fridge after last weekend’s picnic. When blended together with lots and lots of summer veggies, a handful of fresh mint, a slice of bread and some simple seasonings, this gazpacho tastes like summertime sunshine in a bowl. And it is delicious!

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