How To Stay Active When You Work From Home

Working from home is great until you start feeling lazy and unmotivated to stay active. You could choose to leave your home to go to a gym, but if you also prefer to work out at home, use our tips. Keeping up with your fitness is important for alleviating stress and taking care of your mental and physical health.

Create a Routine

Plan your day around the times when you feel the most motivated to work out. This way, the duty of physical activity will feel less daunting and more of a mindless activity you do every day. Get a quick run in before work starts, or settle for lifting weights afterward—whichever you choose, set aside 30 to 60 minutes for exercise.

Build a Home Gym

If you hate going to the gym, bring the perfect home gym to you! Designate an area of your home for the sole purpose of housing all your workout gear and equipment. This will make it easier for you to throw on some clothes and quickly hammer out a workout at the end of the workday.

Utilize Your Breaks

Taking a nap or looking at your phone during breaks may be tempting, but your work will benefit from a quick 15-minute exercise instead. Stay healthy and minimize brain fog with some lunch break exercises.

Purchase a Portable Treadmill & Standing Desk

If you want to trick yourself into staying active while working from home, get yourself a standing desk and place a portable treadmill beneath it. Now, you can walk and do your work at the same time, and you won’t even realize it!

Exercise may seem like a chore sometimes, but when you spend the majority of your day behind a computer, you need it. Find different ways to better enjoy this type of routine—your mind and body will thank you for it later. Try breaking up the exercises throughout the day so that it feels less like working out and more like taking short, well-deserved breaks from work.


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