A Guide to Incorporating Fitness Into Your Everyday Self-Care
Uncategorized / By Allison / November 4, 2020
If you find that you have trouble cramming a regular fitness routine into your busy schedule, you aren’t alone. One survey of some 2,000 American adults found that nearly half of respondents wanted to exercise but didn’t have time to do so regularly. It’s important to find ways to incorporate physical activity into your general self-care routine, as exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, strengthens bones and muscles, and increases your chances of a longer life.
Absolute Pilates wants you to be happy and healthy, so if you’re typically too busy to workout, find out how to balance your fitness routine with general self-care below.
Find Ways to Work Out at Home
When you have to pack a gym bag, drive to the gym, and then head back home, your workout routine can quickly eat up your free time. So, look for ways to work out at home; for instance, you can join an in-home pilates class online using a tablet or other streaming device. Pilates exercises help with balance, coordination, concentration, breathing, fluidity, and centered wellness; in short, they are good for your whole being.
Get Into Meal Planning
Your diet has a major impact on your overall health. Food fuels your body’s organs and systems and can even influence your mood; for example, nurturing a healthy gut biome through your food can help combat depression.
The Intentional Mom explains that meal planning allows you to seize control of what you eat by preparing nutrient-rich dishes in advance instead of grabbing junk food on the go. Another benefit: you’ll save money by eating out less! You can then funnel the funds you save into other self-care endeavors such as exercise equipment.
If you find yourself struggling with this part of your balancing act, you can always add a convenient and delicious drink to your program, like the LadyBoss Fuel pre-workout drink. It’s specially designed to enhance your mood and energy levels through nutrition, and even comes with a money-back guarantee on the off chance you aren’t happy with your choice.
Make Breakfast About Protein, Not Big Portions
When doing your meal planning, don’t forget to factor in breakfast. This important meal gives you the energy to get through the day. It doesn’t have to be big. Focus on protein-rich breakfast options such as overnight oats with berries, a cup of greek yogurt, or cottage cheese on whole-grain toast. These goods will give you energy even in small portions (eating a huge meal early in the day can leave you feeling sluggish and tired). However, steer clear of meal replacement shakes and opt for real food to get your nutrients.
Transform Your Bedroom Into the Ideal Sleep Space
The average adult is supposed to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Sleep is your body’s chance to recharge and keeps you running smoothly both physically and mentally. If you have trouble drifting off at night, however, you lose sleep plus valuable time that could be dedicated to fitness or other self-care measures tossing and turning in bed.
Sleep.org notes you can make your bedroom the ultimate sleep haven by installing black-out curtains, getting a white noise machine, and using an aroma diffuser. These simple changes can make it easier to fall asleep faster and sleep through the night.
Take 10 Minutes Per Day to Meditate
Meditation is shown to have tangible health benefits, as it helps to stave off anxiety, reduces stress, and combats depression. Just 10 minutes of practice per day can have a positive impact and serve as a valuable step towards improved self-care. Never meditated before and have no clue what you’re doing? No problem. There are free apps available that provide easy-to-follow guided meditations. Headspace is one popular option and even has a 10-minute guide designed specially to foster calm and relaxation.
Finding time to fit in exercise and self-care doesn’t have to be impossible. With these tips, you can take a comprehensive approach to well-being without feeling a time crunch. Put in these small steps and you’ll find yourself feeling better mentally and physically.
Connect with Absolute Pilates for more ideas, information, and class options that will help you make fitness a part of your healthy lifestyle.