Improving Yourself: What You Need To Know

Self-improvement might seem like a selfish concept, especially during this difficult time, however, it is one of the best ways to continue to grow as a person. Although daunting, by making small adjustments to your daily life you can better achieve your goals and feel good about yourself. 

If you want to become a healthier and happier person here are a few tips on improving yourself: 

Check Your Health

In order to improve yourself, you have to start at the root of the problem, which is why it is vital to be mindful of your health. This is an extremely uncertain time, so if you’re feeling off then be sure to monitor any existing or new conditions or illnesses. If you’re struggling to find a primary care doctor that you feel comfortable with, or if you don’t feel comfortable physically entering a doctor’s office then there are virtual options available. Telemedicine can be a great alternative that offers quality patient care in a quick and affordable way. 

If you struggle with more appearance-based issues like hair loss or acne then don’t let that fall by the waistline, your confidence can also have a direct impact on your health. Low self-esteem can be linked to social anxiety and depression, so if you struggle with your appearance then try to find healthy solutions. For example, if stress has caused your hair to thin there are solutions such as minoxidil, a topical hair loss treatment, which will help restore hair growth. 

Mind Your Stress 

If you find yourself feeling more anxious or stressed than usual then it might be hard to feel motivated to take care of yourself. However, your mental health is a crucial component of your life and can have an impact on how you function day-to-day. Make sure you are exercising and finding ways to practice mindfulness techniques to help manage your stress more effectively. Activities such as yoga or meditation are a great way to increase your body awareness and relax the mind. 

Stress can also have a negative effect on your eating habits and with many people working remotely, you might find yourself snacking more often throughout your day. Stress eating is a direct effect of your body seeking overly processed or sugar-filled foods that trigger an imbalance that can temporarily suppress anxiety. This is why you should prioritize finding healthy ways to manage your anxiety like exercising or talking to a mental health professional. 

Move Your Body 

Your body is a temple, so make sure you are treating it as such! Exercising has so many benefits to not only your body but also your mental health, and in order to stay on top of that, set a goal for at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. If you have a busier than usual schedule then try to find small ways to incorporate movement throughout your day, like during your lunch break or after work. 

If motivation is your biggest problem then experiment with your workout plan. If you want to help improve mobility then try different exercises that can help treat pains, like pilates if you struggle with back pain. Whether that means picking a cause that can motivate you to finish any fitness challenges or asking your friend to be your fitness buddy to hold you accountable. If you have a fitness goal in mind then write it down or purchase a fitness tracker to keep track of your progress.

Practice Positive Habits 

Habits are an important part of our everyday lives, and they grow stronger over time. Make sure you are establishing positive habits to help improve your life. Start creating a healthy morning routine by using your mornings to your advantage. Set your alarm an hour earlier than you usually get up, however, make sure you are getting enough sleep by going to bed at a reasonable time. Although tempting, don’t make social media your first priority in the morning. By checking your phone first thing in the morning you will increase your stress levels, and clog your mind. Practice positive affirmations to start your day on the right foot, and remind yourself that you are doing your best. Practicing positive affirmations in the morning can also help increase your confidence and will help you fake it until you make it. 

Also, practice creating a to-do list to prioritize your day, and help ease any potential anxiety.  It will help you feel more organized and ready to take on the day. Regardless of how detailed you are, just writing done your daily tasks can have a positive effect on your day. Making small changes in your day-to-day, like getting dressed for work, regardless of working remotely or trying new hobbies, are healthy and positive ways to improve your quality of life.

Self-improvement is a continuous journey, so whether you’re thriving in improving yourself or struggling to find your groove, don’t let self-doubt stop you from being your very best self! 


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