3 Surprising Health Benefits of Pilates You Probably Didn’t Know About

According to Women's Wear Daily, Pilates is booming once again. After taking a nose-dive in the mid-2010s, research from Mindbody and ClassPass reveals that Pilates had a 92% surge in reservations on the latter's platform year-over-year, climbing up three ranks from 2022. 

Another report from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association ranked it as the most popular gym activity for women in 2023. Originally developed nearly 100 years ago by Joseph and Clara Pilates as a method of rehabilitating injured dancers and soldiers, Pilates is a workout that focuses on controlled movements, core strength, and mindful breathing. Studies show that regular Pilates practice can enhance muscular endurance, balance, and overall physical health.

Yet, beyond these widely recognized benefits, Pilates offers some surprising advantages that many may not be aware of. In this article, we'll explore three lesser-known but equally impactful health benefits of Pilates. 

Mental health: Reducing stress and anxiety

As we discussed in a previous post, Pilates can effectively reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety, promoting a more balanced and peaceful state of mind. The mental health benefits of this workout can be attributed to several factors. First, the emphasis on mindful breathing helps to activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "rest and digest" response. This counteracts the stress-induced "fight or flight" response, reducing overall stress levels. Additionally, the concentration required to perform Pilates movements correctly can serve as a form of meditation, allowing practitioners to focus on the present moment and alleviate anxiety. 

Eye health: Mitigating oxidative stress

Regular physical activity, including Pilates, has been shown to contribute to better eye health. Research published in the Frontiers in Medicine journal indicates that exercise mitigates oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in the body, which are known to affect eye health negatively. Damage from oxidative stress may cause deficits in visual acuity or progressive vision loss. Typically, this requires vision correction through eyeglasses. Depending on your needs, glasses from established retailers or household brands such as Ray-Ban can come with single-vision lenses correcting one field of vision to progressive lenses that provide a seamless transition between multiple prescriptions in one lens. Pilates, with its focus on whole-body wellness, supports eye health by improving overall circulation, reducing inflammation, and decreasing oxidative stress. 

Senior health: Preventing falls and injuries

As we age, the risk of falls and injuries from falls increases. Older adults, particularly those with poor hearing, often rely on hearing aids and other assistive devices to maintain their balance and prevent falls. However, Pilates can also aid in fall and injury prevention for seniors. Pilates enhances balance, coordination, and core strength, all of which are vital for maintaining stability and preventing falls. One study highlights that seniors who practiced Pilates regularly experienced a notable reduction in the number of falls compared to those who did not engage in any physical activity. Moreover, the gentle, low-impact nature of Pilates makes it an ideal exercise for older adults, as it minimizes the risk of injury while effectively strengthening the muscles necessary for balance and mobility. 

Ultimately, while Pilates is celebrated for its ability to improve physical fitness and strength, its benefits extend far beyond these well-known advantages. From reducing stress and anxiety to supporting eye health and preventing falls among seniors, Pilates offers a range of surprising health benefits that make it a valuable addition to anyone's exercise regimen. 

Whether you're looking to enhance your mental well-being, protect your vision, or improve your balance as you age, Pilates can provide the holistic support you need for a healthier, more balanced life. 

Article written by Tracey Craig

Exclusively for absolutepilates.co


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