How To Get Back Into the Gym After an Injury

Lifestyle / By Allison / June 29, 2021

Suffering an injury that prevents you from working out can be demoralizing. But even the most dedicated athletes take weeks or months off to give their bodies time to heal. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or just fell out of your gym habit, you can still get back into your routine.

Learn how to get back into the gym after an injury to reclaim your fitness goals.

Start Slowly

Getting back into the gym is a struggle, both mentally and physically. You might feel tempted to throw yourself into the same routine, but doing so can aggravate your injury. Start at a beginner level, and work your way up—in the number of workouts in your week and their intensity. For example, if you used to work out five times a week, start at three days. Begin at 20 percent of your usual intensity, and gradually work your way up over several weeks.

Set Goals

Creating a schedule and setting goals will help you stay on track with your recovery. Your goal might be to keep on a set schedule, but don’t get ahead of yourself; be sure not to tackle vigorous workouts or intense fitness regimens. You could re-injure yourself and set yourself back once again.

Track Your Progress

Monitoring your progress will help you stay on track with your new gym schedule. Beginning at a much lower intensity could seem pointless, and you might feel like skipping days. But don’t! Even if your workouts are at a lower intensity, they’re still benefiting your body. There are plenty of fitness apps that can help to keep track of your gym schedule. Also, consider finding a friend to work out with you; a gym buddy is the best accountability you could find.

Getting back into the gym is a slow process, but physical self-care is the first step to looking after your mental health. Once you understand how to get back into the gym after an injury and the time it will take, you’ll be back on track to meet your fitness goals.


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