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Incorporating Minimalism into Your Workout Routine
Lifestyle Allison Zang Lifestyle Allison Zang

Incorporating Minimalism into Your Workout Routine

Since COVID-19 infiltrated the United States in March 2020, the fitness world has shifted significantly. With many gyms closed for months at a time, home workouts became the new craze to avoid pandemic pounds. Even when fitness centers reopened, many stuck to their YouTube classes instead of re-upping a membership.

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Finding Motivation: Tips for Starting a New Workout Routine

Finding Motivation: Tips for Starting a New Workout Routine

An object at rest tends to stay at rest. This famous rule is about physics, but it applies to people, too. If you don’t have a current workout routine, it can be difficult jumping back on the wagon.

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4 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health
Self Care, Lifestyle, Tips, Fitness Allison Zang Self Care, Lifestyle, Tips, Fitness Allison Zang

4 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health

For most people, being healthy is a top priority. However, the importance of maintaining a healthy mental state is often forgotten, despite mental health playing a major role in your day-to-day life. Having good mental health is not just a state of mind, but a lifestyle that you have to develop to maintain. If you want to do a better job at looking after your mental health, then here are some practical tips that will positively affect your mental health!

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