Lisa has been an Absolute Pilates member for a little under a year and started training with Allison in late January 2021. She participated in our 6 week transformation program. (which is offered twice a year) Lisa came to Allison because she had injured her back… again. She was over dealing with this same injury, and had hit a wall in her current workout routine and was giving this one last try to change things up. In short period of time she moved from one session a week to mixing in classes and now is a regular class attendee. She works hard in every class and if you ever in class with her she will make sure you work hard too. Here is a note from her trainer Allison: 

“For me there are 2 words that come to mind when I think of Lisa; dedicated and persistent, because she gives 110% in each of our sessions. Working on her hip and glute strength is one of my main focuses in her program. As a result her lower back pain has decreased which has allowed us to push her limits in class and crush new goals, like getting back to walk and hiking! I am proud of her and cannot wait to help her reach new heights! “

What was your experience with fitness prior to Absolute Pilates?

Before coming to Absolute Pilates, I was a hiker.  I have done large sections of the Appalachian trail, Grand Cannon, and many national and state parks.  I felt like being outdoors defined who I was. It's just what I did. Three years ago I ended up in bed for a month. Long story short....I have three herniated discs. Likely caused from hiking, mountain biking and skiing over the years and very little stretching or core work.  I had to give up long hiking, so spent the next year trying to find my way with various gyms and workouts. Every time I was in pain for days! July 1, 2018 I walked into Absolute Pilates...the rest you know!

Can you describe your 1-2 top goals when you started at Absolute Pilates? 

I was looking for an exercise routine I could do.  It had been almost a full year of failing at getting started back to fitness and I needed to bring in something new. I felt like I was not really seeing or feeling any improvements with anything I tried. I set a goal to move better, feel better and be happy (when I saw the Absolute Pilates moto I knew I had to give it a try). This was my goal to go hiking again. I wanted to set out and move on a trail for most of a day!

What has been the greatest benefit, area of growth, or goal you have achieved since starting Absolute Pilates?  

I feel stronger.  I can stand taller than I ever have. I never thought I would do a so many planks! I still haven't mastered an unassisted teaser on the box but am hopeful it will come! But most of all, my back pain has reduced.  

When you look in the mirror now, what do you see?

Allison and the other teachers have always believed in me.  I still struggle with self love. I sometimes tell myself that I am fit "for my age,'' I am strong "for my age", or I look "good" for my age".  But they don't buy into any of that. I continue to work on leaving that part of the sentence out now. I am simply strong and look great!

How has your overall class experience been at Absolute Pilates? 

I learned early on that Anna has a lot of knowledge about proper exercises, and exercises that would build my strength overall. I learned to trust the process and changes to the program each month. Anna taught me that my body would be able to safely do any exercise without pain!  I was told for three years that I would never do a deadlift.....but here I am, loving deadlifts! We were able to build a relationship and connect which makes me feel like she is invested in my goals and actually wants me to achieve them! If there is anyone that is looking for a trainer to hold you accountable, push you to places you never thought possible, and someone that will believe in you in moments you may not believe in yourself, Anna is your gal.  

How was your overall experience at Absolute Pilates been? 

Absolute Pilates has worked very well for me. I have said for a long time, that all I ever need to remember, is my grip socks. The teachers take care of the rest. I am someone that needs to be told what to do in regards to fitness. I will do anything (even a standing side split) if someone tells me I have to.  I love that I have found my new "me".  Absolute has become a safe place for me to keep reaching for bigger goals.  Aside from the fitness journey, I have also met some amazing people that I hold very close to my heart now.  That love doesn't happen at other gyms!


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