Rewarding Ways for Seniors To Get More Regular Exercise

Rewarding Ways for Seniors To Get More Regular Exercise

Exercise offers health benefits to people of any age, but the older you get, the harder it becomes to find time and motivation to stay fit. Those who can’t find time often blame tiredness, a hectic schedule, or prior commitments for not being able to exercise.

Working out is something that you can do at your own leisure, as long as you maintain consistency. Here are a few rewarding ways for seniors to get more regular exercise.

Have Fun

Building momentum toward reaching your fitness goals is challenging when it feels like a chore. However, if you turn it into something that you look forward to each day, you won’t have to build up the courage to go because you’ll be running out the door.

Having fun while you work out is easy if you choose activities you love, such as going for a swim, taking a Pilates class with your friends, or going for a brisk walk in your local forest preserve. However, if you need mobility assistance, be sure to use a walking stick for brisk walking.

Find a Fitness Partner To Work Out With

People who work out or exercise with others often find that they can achieve things with another person they never could alone. Having a partner to go to the gym with helps motivate you to keep a consistent fitness schedule because you won’t want to let them down by not going.

In addition, this is an activity that helps people bond and build stronger relationships. Whether it’s a romantic partner, best friend, or relative that you’d like to know a bit better, partnering up with someone is guaranteed to make exercising more enjoyable.

Set Reachable Goals for Yourself and Track Your Progress

Trying to run for a half-hour can seem daunting at a certain age, which is why you should set realistic fitness goals for yourself if you’re just starting out. The sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach your goals will help you feel reinvigorated and will allow you to set new goals. To achieve this outcome, you must track your progress either on paper or through a fitness app, so you know where you are on your journey after each workout.

Overall, there are many rewarding ways for seniors to get more regular exercise. Go ahead and choose whichever works best for you, and have fun living a happy and healthy life in the new year!


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