The Diabetes Epidemic and How to Avoid It

Female practicing pilates on reformer equipment

Diabetes is a serious health epidemic. It has been called the “silent epidemic,” and the Africa Health Organization even named it three times deadlier than the COVID-19 virus. So how can we avoid the diabetes epidemic? Read on to find out how to protect ourselves and help people with the condition.

Take Care of Yourself

Consider the old airplane safety analogy: if something goes awry, you should always put on your own oxygen mask before helping others. The adage that you can’t help another person without helping yourself first is true for a lot of things, including the diabetes epidemic. To stave off diabetes, eat healthily, do a few low-impact exercises each week, and educate yourself on the condition.

Spread Awareness

Take advantage of the many opportunities you have to spread the word about health and wellness. You can do this in any way you feel comfortable. Create a blog or social media account. Write a book or start an exercise class specifically for people who struggle with diabetes. These are all great ways to help others in their efforts to overcome the condition and avoid becoming victims of the diabetes epidemic.

Give Back to the Community

If you’ve begun to spread awareness through your efforts, it might be time to enlist the help of others. Give to a charity. See if you can team up with a fellow advocate. Become more involved with health and wellness initiatives in your city and become a hero on the front lines against the epidemic that seems to be spreading across the United States.

Diabetes is an epidemic of large proportions, but it doesn’t have to win. It’s everywhere in our society, so we must stand up to and come to terms with this legacy of ill health. If you implement the tips above, you’ll be well on your way to fighting against this epidemic.


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