Tips for Reducing Your Carbohydrate Intake

One of the best ways for people to get in shape is by reducing their carbohydrate intake. Reducing your carb consumption forces the body to burn the stored fat instead of sugar from carbs. Reduce your carb consumption with these simple but effective tips!

Cut Out Sugary Drinks

Drinks with high amounts of sugar, like soda and sweet teas, can add a lot of extra carbs to your body if you’re not careful. Some think cutting out carbs is about changing foods, but cutting out bread won’t have a significant effect if you’re drinking sweetened drinks all day.

Even some fruit juices that claim to be healthy and vitamin-rich have a lot of added sugar, so always check the label first. The best practice is switching to water and staying hydrated throughout the day to keep those sugar drink cravings at bay.

Substitute Refined Grain Bread

One of the simplest ways for the average person to cut down on their daily carb consumption is by cutting down on bread. White bread contains a lot of carbs, but even whole-grain loaves can hold a lot.

Pro Tip: Instead of a bread sandwich, switch to a low-carb wrap or a lettuce wrap

You don’t have to stop eating all kinds of bread entirely, but it’s wise to consider how often you eat bread or pasta for a meal. Consider alternative bread products like low-carb bagels or whole-grain pasta—in many cases, you won’t be able to taste the difference!

Increase Your Protein

Cutting down on carbs can leave many people feeling hungry, so to offset this loss, consider increasing the amount of protein in your diet. Protein-rich foods fill you up faster than carbs and keep you full for longer—eliminating those carb-heavy snack cravings.

Plus, protein foods also contain the healthy amino acids and vitamins your body needs. Some protein-rich foods that are low on carbs include:

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Eggs

  • Greek yogurt

  • Fish

  • Chicken

  • Soy products (tofu)

Add More Fiber to Your Diet

Another way to offset the loss your body may feel from cutting down on carbs is to add more fiber to your diet. Fiber-rich foods are excellent for filling your cravings, and most people don’t get near the recommended fiber in their daily diet as is.

Introduce more fruits and vegetables like apples, grapefruits, and broccoli to your diet; the added fiber will help combat those cravings. Plus, fiber is one of the best ways to decrease your future risk of diabetes.

There are many ways to reduce your carbohydrate intake, but if you’re looking for simple tips, you can’t go wrong with any of these. Remember to check the label on your food and drinks and introduce a little more protein and fiber into your diet to start seeing results!


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