The Long-Term Effects of Bad Eating Habits

The Long-Term Effects of Bad Eating Habits

When discussing negative eating habits, we likely imagine someone sprawled on the couch with a bag of chips. However, this negative habit comes in all shapes and sizes. You’re cheating on your diet for “one day” and eating a cookie, only for you to eat the entire box.

Many people exercise and self-sabotage by eating cake because they “already worked off the calories.” Worse yet, they claim they’ll “work them off tomorrow.” All these things are unhealthy, so perhaps it’s time to learn about the long-term effects of bad eating habits as a deterrent.

The Problem of Obesity

Obesity is a huge problem in our society. We eat fast food, consume oversized portions, and drink sugary beverages. These things contribute to weight gain. An unhealthy diet paired with no exercise may lead to obesity, which can put you at risk in many ways. You could get high cholesterol, type two diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, or cancer. Of course, your mental health isn’t exempt. People who are obese are also more likely to struggle with depression than the rest of the population. At least 2/3rds of all Americans are overweight or obese.

The Development of Diabetes

Poor eating habits often lead to diabetes. As your body fat increases, your body’s ability to use insulin decreases. This causes you to become more vulnerable to type two diabetes. Insulin carries glucose to your cells. However, people with type two diabetes don’t respond well to insulin, causing insulin resistance. If you are prediabetic or have type two diabetes, exercise is important for managing your condition. It’s a natural and great way to lower your blood sugar overall. It’s possible that too many sugary drinks and junk foods brought you to this point, so you must cut them from your diet.

The Effects of Fatty Foods

Bad eating habits can cause heart disease, a leading cause of death in the US. Foods high in trans fats—what you find in processed and baked goods—lower the levels of “good” cholesterol in the body. Butter, whole milk, and red meat can increase “bad” cholesterol levels, which puts you at major risk of heart disease. This is a serious long-term effect of bad eating habits. If you’re tempted to eat in a way that’ll hurt you in the long run, read this list of all the consequences you’ll struggle with to open your eyes.


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