The Best At-Home Cardio Exercises for Women

Pilates is an excellent form of strength and flexibility training. However, you’ll need to supplement with cardio exercises to create a well-balanced fitness routine. Luckily, cardio isn’t all about treadmills and ellipticals.

You can get a great cardio workout from the comfort of your home! The best at-home cardio exercises for women don’t require expensive equipment. Fit these workouts into your routine to transform your health.

Jumping Exercises

Nothing gets your heart pumping like jumping exercises. From jump squats to jumping jacks, these dynamic workouts get the blood flowing and the sweat pouring. Make sure you’ve got plenty of room to perform these moves and wear comfortable shoes to reduce impact.

Don’t forget about jump ropes! The benefits of jump roping for women are astounding and will elevate your athletic game. All you need is a sturdy rope and a large space that can accommodate your movements.


Who says working out can’t also be fun? Break out your favorite upbeat playlist because dancing is one of the best at-home cardio exercises for women. Some moves also include strength and flexibility, making it an awesome way to break a sweat.

Fitness YouTubers put together dancing workouts that you can access for free! You could also invest in specialized dance workouts based on your skill and fitness level. Grab a yoga mat and clear some space in your living room; a 20-minute dance party is more than enough time to get your fill of cardio for the day.

Low-Impact Cardio

Some cardio exercises are difficult for people with limited mobility. Don’t worry; low-impact cardio will engage your cardiovascular system without straining your joints. Take a walk around your neighborhood while listening to an audiobook for a light yet effective workout.

If you have a private pool, swimming is a good option because it’s easy on the body. Cycling around the block is a fun way to get the whole family involved. You could even modify some of the jumping exercises, like squats and jumping jacks, to be stationary movements.

When paired with Pilates, cardio is all you need to create a dynamic, effective fitness routine.


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