Massage Techniques To Relieve Tension From Your Neck

Massage Techniques To Relieve Tension From Your Neck

Neck pain and tension are incredibly common ailments that many people experience every day. Getting a professional massage to relieve that tension isn’t always an option, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find relief. If you’re looking to ease an achy neck, here are a few massage techniques to help relieve tension.

Start With the Right Equipment

Before you begin, you want to make sure you have the right equipment. For the techniques discussed in this article, you’ll need a yoga mat and a neck roller. Foam is recommended for beginners, but you may need something tougher, like a plastic roller with blunt spikes, to really get the knots out.

You’ll also need some massage oil or a muscle-soothing gel. You don’t want your fingers to catch on your skin as this will cause burning and discomfort. And don’t worry about really going in with a potent muscle gel. Many worry about whether muscle gel is good for the skin and body, but with the right ingredients, such as menthol or camphor, it’s absolutely harmless, so feel free to use a decent amount.

Stretching Techniques

First, stand with your feet flat on the ground, shoulder-width apart, with your arms at your sides, completely relaxed. Tuck your chin into your chest, slowly inhale and exhale about 10 times, and release. You can repeat this stretch throughout the day, but it’s best to do it about five times per session.

Next, standing in the same position, turn your neck to the right as far as it can go without causing you any pain, and stay still for five seconds. Do the same while turning to the left. If you experience pain, do not continue.

Finally, bring your right ear to your right shoulder to stretch the neck laterally, essentially bending to one side, and hold for five seconds. Do the same on the other side by touching your left ear to your left shoulder. Your body should still be in the same position it has been in the entire time– feet flat, shoulder-width apart.

Massage the Spine

Arguably, the best massage technique to relieve tension from your neck is the most basic. Apply oil, lotion, or balm to the area and use the knuckle of your thumb to apply pressure to both sides of the spine. Drag the knuckles up and down, applying a decent amount of pressure, but again, stop if it hurts. You can also use the pads of your fingers if your knuckles are too much, but remember to start light and gradually apply pressure to build tolerance.

Lastly, break out your yoga mat and your neck roller. Lie down on the neck roller as if you were using it as a neck pillow, put your feet flat on the ground, and roll back and forth. Ideally, your body will be mostly off the ground, with your butt occasionally grazing the floor. Remember, while it’s normal to feel discomfort as the knots loosen, stop if you feel a sharp pain.

Repeat these stretches and techniques as necessary until your neck feels light, loose, and tension free!


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