How Reformer Pilates Can Transform Your Mind and Body

Pilates has been around for over a century. Yet, using the beneficial movements that benefit both the mind and body has only been practiced for thousands of years. In the 1920s, Joseph Pilates developed the pilates method and designed a practice that enhances core strength while improving flexibility, coordination, balance, and more.

Pilates consists of hundreds of exercises that you can do on a mat, but other variations with specialized equipment further enhance this practice. One such innovation comes from Joseph Pilates himself, with his creation of the reformer. He designed this piece of equipment to supplement pilates in a way that benefited more than just one's core muscles. But what is this intense-sounding piece of equipment?

Reformer Pilates: An Overview

Reformer pilates involves the use of a machine called the reformer. This piece of fitness equipment looks intense, and it is. The reformer is a bed-like structure with a flat platform called the carriage that rolls back and forth on wheels. The carriage is attached to one end by a set of springs that provide varying levels of resistance for the user in addition to their body weight. Through the use of straps and a footbar, users move the carriage with either their hands or feet.

There is a vast amount of exercises using the reformer that makes up reformer pilates. This versatile machine provides scalable resistance for customizing it based on practitioners' abilities. The activities you perform on the reformer enhance one's strength, flexibility, and balance throughout the entire body, not just the core. The versatility and scalability of this piece of equipment allow for total body workouts that suit anyone.

The exercises using the reformer machine can take place lying down, sitting, standing, upside down, sideways, and any other variation you can think of, making this an exceptional addition to any workout. The benefits of reformer pilates are comprehensive, transforming the body and mind just as Joseph Pilates intended.

Physical Benefits

The benefits of reform pilates on the body, in addition to an all-in-one full-body workout machine, include improvements in the balance, strength, endurance, mobility, and flexibility of all muscles. The size of the reformer allows for exercises to take muscles through their full range of motion for increased flexibility.

The pushing and pulling with the arms or legs builds muscle strength through the resistance of the springs, carriage, and practitioner's body weight while also strengthening the bones. The instability of the rolling carriage requires users to develop and improve core strength and balance through controlled movements. The reformer promotes eccentric contraction of the muscles, lengthening them while increasing strength without increasing the size of the muscles.

As a low-impact workout, reformer pilates is ideal for those looking for a gentle joint exercise or rehabilitation after an injury or surgery. Although increased strength, flexibility, and everything else are great for fitness purposes, these benefits bleed over into one's overall well-being as increases in these areas help improve posture and cardiovascular fitness, reduce muscle fatigue, and decrease aches and pains.

These benefits are perfect for those who sit hunched over a desk or computer for extended periods! Whether in a group setting or with a private instructor, this fitness practice is essential for a well-rounded exercise that strengthens and makes you feel better. 

Mental Benefits

In addition to the physical benefits of reformer pilates, practitioners gain a host of psychological benefits. The aspects that make this machine an excellent addition to a fitness routine, such as versatility and scalability that promote whole-body workouts, allow one to feel more connected and in tune with their bodies.

Reform pilates, as well as pilates in general, helps improve various aspects of mental health, including:

  • Improved Mental Clarity

  • Reducing Stress

  • Relieving Anxiety & Depression

  • Lowering Blood Pressure

  • Energizing the Body

  • Promoting Better Sleep

  • Helping With Pain Management

The physical requirements of this practice improve mental health by relieving tension and metabolizing any build-up of stress hormones. The unique elements of pilates, such as controlled movements and breathing, require deep levels of focus and awareness of your body. This meditative component allows for Joseph Pilates's goal of complete coordination of the body, mind, and spirit to be achieved.

Absolute Pilates

At Absolute Pilates, we offer various Pilates classes and private training with reformer pilates in Camp Hill and south-central Pennsylvania for those of any age and fitness level. We are focused on remaining true to Joseph Pilates's approach to fitness through the consciousness of movement while providing a tailored routine that helps you reach your fitness goals and needs.

Our classes and private sessions combine various pilates techniques, from using mats to specialized equipment such as the reformer. No matter who you are or your experience level, our classes will help you improve your stamina, posture, and strength for better athletic performance or ease in everyday activities.

The pilates classes we offer each focus on enhancing a different aspect of your well-being and include the following courses:

  • Align - Pilates Basics

  • Tone - Pilates & Barre

  • Renew - Pilates & Stretching

  • Heat - Pilates & Fitness

  • Empower - Pilates Accelerated

  • Move - Modifications, Mobility, & Movement

  • Suspend - Pilates, Barre, & TRX

Every class involves the use of various pieces of equipment, from mats to the reformer to barre, resistance bands, jump boards, boxes, and other pilates equipment. Enhance your physical and mental health with our various classes, including reformer pilates from Camp Hill to Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg.

Get started here and you can begin your pilates journey to moving and feeling better. Our services are accessible with our three-step plan, where we work with you to understand your needs better so we can recommend the best classes for you.


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