Common Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Mattress

More and more people are trying to live a healthy lifestyle to alleviate the aches and pains that come with age. Exercises like Pilates, initiatives like changing to a healthy diet, and learning how to de-stress are all ways to live a better life. But if you’re doing all of this and are still experiencing pain, then the problem may not be with your mind or body but with something you use every day: your mattress. Please keep reading to learn the common signs that it’s time to replace your mattress so you can address this problem and continue your healthy journey.

Advancing Age

Different mattresses last for various lengths of time, so what may have been considered young in a previous mattress is old for your current one. As your mattress reaches an advanced age, it can’t cradle your body as well, meaning you wake up tired and in pain instead of comfortable and well-rested. Innerspring mattresses last around eight years, while hybrids only last about six. Memory foam and latex mattresses can last much longer, surviving for ten to fifteen years. If your mattress is hitting one of these ages, it may be time to replace it.

Declining Performance

As we mentioned, an old mattress that needs to be replaced won’t perform as it should, and you’ll find yourself waking up in pain. Some other signs of declining performance you should look out for are creaky springs in an innerspring or pillow-top mattress, frayed corners, rips in other parts of the mattress, or a failure to help you regulate body temperature. If your mattress makes you uncomfortable and restless when you try to sleep, it’s time for it to go.

Hurting Your Nose

Even if you keep your mattress as clean as possible, it will collect dust and sweat and will eventually start to smell. Before that odor appears, some mattresses may start hurting your allergies, making it difficult to breathe at night and affecting how you sleep. If you notice a foul smell coming from your mattress or have an allergy flare-up that has nothing to do with the weather, it’s time to replace your mattress.

Picking a New Mattress

Now you know that you need a new mattress. But what kind should you get? That will depend on what’s for sale in your area, what you can afford, and the type of bed frame you have. Two popular choices are memory foam and pillow-top. Memory foam helps with pressure point pain and has almost no motion transfer, so it’s an excellent choice for those who co-sleep, and at least one of those sleepers does so on their side or back. Pillow-tops are innerspring mattresses with an extra layer of padding, which is great for temperature control. They’re also more affordable than memory foam mattresses.

Some common signs that it’s time to replace your mattress are advancing age, declining performance, and a foul smell or allergy flareups. If your mattress is getting old, causing pain, or hurting your nose, it’s time to replace it. Once you do, you’ll start sleeping easily again.


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